Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Venice, Or Laura has a Birthday in Italy and Wades in the Water

Here in Salzburg, they like their holidays (and extended lunch breaks, but that's another entry). So, in late October/Early November we ended up with a four day weekend. My pal Walter wanted to go to Venice and I asked to tag along. Soon, it ended up that Brian and Anne-Marie were coming, too. The more the merrier! And I just happen to love Brian and Anne-Marie, so it's all good.

So, off we go on a night train to Venice. The train ride sucked because it was cramped and there were loud teens in my compartment and the train was running an HOUR late. But, after what seemed like an eternity, we arrived in Venice. It was amazing: You are riding along on land, and all of a sudden, there is water on both sides of you as you take the bridge out to the island. After a lunch on the steps of the train station (where Brian kept trying to lure the ugly pigeons towards us with food), we walked around a bit. Walter mentioned something about wanted to see the church where the painter Tetian is buried. Brian misheard and thought he said Teesha. This was the start of possibly the funniest ongoing joke since arriving in Salzburg. Go back and read the name again with a Ghetto accent. And then you have why it was so funny, because the whole trip was filled with "When we gawn see Teesha? Where Teesha at? Teesha wouldn't stand fo' this...nnmm. Shiiiit, where Teesha?" It's probably one of those 'had to be there moments', but as the trip got longer, it was one of the things that kept Brian and I going. Anyway, we were all grumpy and tired from our train ride, so we decided to find our hostel, which was on the main land. Walter, naturally, got us lost on the way and the bus system in Italy is totally SCREWY in case anyone wants to know. But, after walking down a creepy tunnel (cue horror movie voices from Brian: "It's getting so dark! Let's go exploring! But let me change into my bikini and high heels first!") we found our hostel. Which, was actually a campground with little bungalows for rooms. It was pretty spiffy and the cheapest in the area. We ended up going back into Venice after a short nap. And partook of the first of many dinners comprised entirely of pizza and gelato. Mmm.

Next day, we set out to see the main tourist things and walk around the island. Somehow, Brian and I got started singing the old African American spiritual, "Wade in the Water". And of course, Brian improvised some excellent verses to an already creepy song: "Devil gonna getcha, Mama can't help ya, Daddy don't know you, Jesus don't love ya..." Funny stuff and appropriate for our horror movie walk and canal dodging. Along our walk, Brian and I had much fun pointing out the many fashion disasters (and were there ever!). Our main objective for the day was San Marco's square, which might soon be overtaken by pigeons if those Italians aren't careful. The church was gorgeous, the inside all inlaid with gold mosaics. A few pics from Venice:

(No, we didn't take a gondola ride. They start at about 80 Euro.)

After a nice day, we had a lovely dinner of *gasp* Pizza and gelato. It was pretty much amazing.

The next day was my birthday! We did some more walking around. And this day, Walter wanted to go see some modern art crap. I wasn't really all for that, but I figured I'd let him see the things he wanted to see, too. So, he drug Brian and I into the Peggy Guggenheim museum. Brian and I lasted about 10 minutes before we had to leave and be bored in the courtyard where we talked about the superior merits of Teesha compared to Peggy:

Then it was off for my birthday dinner which consisted of...pizza, again. And wine. Mm, good wine. We enjoyed ourselves very much and then went and sampled more gelato.

The next day we wandered around some and Walter got us lost:


Walter wanted to go to some super duper (boring) art museum, so Brian, Anne-Marie, and I chilled in a cafe, at tiramisu, and scoped out the sailors at the nearby naval museum. Totally wins over modern 'art', I'd say. Anne-Marie went to join Walter, so Brian and I went and sat on the canal and had an adult beverage (that he just happened to have in his bag). It was something out of a movie: sitting on the steps of a canal bridge, day after your birthday, drinking with a good friend as you both laugh yourselves silly and the sun sets out on the sea. It's a night I'll never forget, even though it was such a simple thing, especially in comparison to the canals and gondolas and gelato.

The next day, it was time for us to head back to Salzburg. We were all happy to go. Venice was a lovely city to see and I am happy to say that I got to see it. But it's one that I don't think I'd want to go back to for at least several years. And maybe only for a romantic get-a-way or something. Venice was just too crowded and touristy and dirty for my likes. And it was hard being in a country where you didn't understand the language or how the bus system works, etc. We really all noticed how much we took Salzburg for granted. Our train ride home gave us a few pains, but with the help of some Teesha jokes, some Wadin' in the Water, and some cake, we made it back to Salzburg just fine.

So long, Venice (and Teesha!)

To see all my Venice pictures, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Venice was just too crowded and touristy and dirty for my likes."

LOL, Sweetheart - the WHOLE ITALY is crowded and touristy & dirty!
I guess some things haven't change in 30 years :)

Well - at least you saw it and enjoyed the view
