Sunday, May 25, 2008

So, yesterday, a friend and I crossed the border to Germany and went to Königsee. We couldn't have had more perfect weather and I was given reason #748 why Germany is superior to Austria:

We had an awesome time (it's always good to get out of Salzburg). We took a boat ride to the different stops, ate lunch in a biergarten, heard a horn echo between the mountains, hiked a bit and didn't break any bones. We both kept expressing how this was probably the most beautiful place we've seen since being in Europe. I got a sunburn and blisters, but it was totally worth it!

PS--The air there smelled fantastic!

The rest of the pictures are in my Flickr.

In other exciting news? 33 days, 16 hours until I fly home!

But I will miss getting to see things like this:

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